MP3 Gain - Audio Normalization Examine App

Sobre, éfficace.

Application simple d’utilisation. Prend les sous répertoires à condition de cocher l’option récursive.


Bien cocher récursive un fois que vous avez cliquer sur « add fonder » si vous vous que les sous dossiers soient pris en compte Olivier

nouvelle version

la nouvelle version de ce logiciel est moins bonne que la dernière version je ne trouve pas comment régler le gain


Autant j’adorais la version Windows gratuite, autant là c’est mettre de l’argent à la poubelle. Aucune possibilité de configuration. Juste possibilité d’ajouter un dossier mais impossible de faire une analyse récursive ou alors je n’ai pas trouvé… mais vu qu’il n’y a pas de menu « configurer » ou « paramètres »... Il n’écrase pas les anciens fichiers mais en créé de nouveaux, qu’il faut ensuite déplacer dans le répertoire que l’on souhaite : pas pratique d’autant que tous les fichiers créés sont dans un même répertoire… la galère pour les trier ensuite et les remettre dans le bon répertoire… ce qui force à travailler répertoire par répertoire. Bref, un vraie cata!

nul passez votre chemin

nul plante en permance 2,99 euro mis a la poubelle je vous remercie pas

Satisfait de la version 1.1.0

Jutilise la première version et elle donne toute satisfaction : pas de plantage et pas de duplication des fichiers. Peut-être la version 2.1.1 nest-elle par totalement mise au point ?

Poor user interface and no error reporting

I expected this to be similar to MP3Gain for Windows but the user interface is very sparse. The settings menu option is greyed out so I cannot change anything. Multiple files were not adjusted and showed an "!" instead of a green check, but there is no way to find out what the error was. Some of the files were recently purchased music & some were ripped from CDs. I emailed Seasoft tech support one of the files & they said there is nothing wrong with it. I haven't heard anything from them for several days. MP3Gain for Windows adjusted the same files with no errors. In its present state this app isn't worth buying.

Works, with bugs

App could not batch process more than 8-tracks at a time without crashing. Also, bitrate is different in resulting file, so resulting files are about twice the size as the orginals.

Doesnt work

continuously crashes "MP3 Gain - Audio Normalization quit unexpectedly.” Trying to adjust gain on 89 files Would like my money back


This app crashes and burns within minutes - don't waste your money!!!


Read carefully because I never rate an app. I have about 20K songs ripped from various CDs and downloaded over the years. Each at a different volume rate. MP3 Gain 4 is the simplest tool to normalize the output. It does what it says in the tin, no bells and whistles. It is simple to use, and the results are pretty good. What makes this app stand out from the rest is the customer service. I contacted them with some issues I had with my app (I'm not going to go into detail here) but, not only did they fix the problems, but they did it in lightning speed, and were very fast replying to my emails. These guys have a returning customer for life. Strongly recommended

Simple and effective

I record sermons at my church using a remote mic and a Zoom recorder. There are fans making a low humming sound in the background, so we record at a low volume to avoid picking up the hum. This app lets us quickly and easily increase the gain. It's so easy to use and does exactly what we need without having to launch a larger aplication and wade through the menus to get it done. Thank you!

So many flaws

I do not recommend purchasing this app. - The app description says the app “losslessly” adjusts audio files to “a" specified target volume. Not true. For some songs, quality loss is not very noticeable. But for some, I heard glitches during adjustments. - Also, based on the description, I thought I would have the option to set a volume and have the app do all the work: make the volumes consistent for multiple songs. Like Sound Check in itunes. Wrong. One must change each individual song volume manually. - It’s also difficult to preview songs. There is no way to fast forward or rewind the songs while previewing. - After you apply volume changes, the original audio files are altered. You have no option to save as separate copies. It’s only 2.99, but I would save this money and buy a better app.

Needs a lot of work!

Just not usable in its current condition and I wish I hadn’t wasted any money buying it. Needs the ability, as other MP3Gain programs do, to choose a specific volume setting and apply it easily to all files. At this point, MP3Gain Express is much better and more usable for the Mac.

not for large batching conversions

This app is most appropriate for converting a small number of files at one time. An album at a time, to be exact. MP3 Gain does not have the capability of maintaining a typical iTunes generated hierarchy when choosing an output target: e.g. the target winds up being the album folder for each converted file. Therefore, to maintain the hierarchy that iTunes, and, a USB port recognizing car stereo might use, the files have to be converted one album at a time to maintain the proper drill down. Probably a 3 week task for my 16GB flash drive of music favorites for my car. Sorry I spent the $2.99.

Works on M4As, unlike the open source. Not so much on MP3s.

I’ve used the old Windows open source version of MP3Gain for years. There’s a freeware Mac port, MP3Gain Express, that works well for MP3s, but doesn’t do M4A files. I’ve only run a few M4As through this so far, but they came out fine. MP3s with large gain reductions, however, didn’t fare so well. There are burst of garbled audio in the music. This program appears to be unaffiliated with the open source programs of the same name. I assume it’s a port without credit, which of course would violate the license terms. The support site is unmaintained. I did not try to contact the author. tl/dr, use it on M4As, not MP3s. That’s worth $3 to me.

Simply Broken and does not work.

Wow. Really? Please fix this or I would like my time and money back.

Doesn’t work.

Fixes the sound output, but that’s it. Unable to move or save the new file, which makes it useless. Very disappointed.


doesn’t work. Robbed

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